Combined Transport

Combined Transport
13/10/2016 13:25:45Kombinovaná doprava

Combined Transport is a system of transporting goods in one transportation unit (large container, swap body, a rollable container) or on a road vehicle, which also makes use of rail or water transport.  It involves the transportation of a load in one transportation unit, using several types of transportation, and only the combined-transport transportation unit is re-loaded, not the goods themselves.
The term inter-modal transport means freight transport during which the truck, trailer, semi-trailer, removable swap body, or a container, uses roads for the initial and/or final leg of the trip, and in the remaining sector, is transported, with the towing vehicle, or without it, by rail, via a water route, or by sea.
• Marco Polo II
Marco Polo is the European Union’s funding programme for projects which shift freight transport from the road to sea, rail and inland waterways.
This means fewer trucks on the road and thus less congestion, less pollution, and more reliable and efficient transport of goods.


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