South Koreans are inspired by the Czech system of driver education

South Koreans are inspired by the Czech system of driver education
29/5/2023Press releases

Representatives of the Ministry of Transport and the Association of Driving Schools of the Czech Republic welcomed their counterparts from the KOROAD organization from South Korea, which offers driver testing, to the Hradec Králové polygon. They came here to get inspired by the driver education system, which is very different in this Asian country. 


South Koreans are inspired by the Czech system of driver education
They were most interested in interconnection projects of New questions and education, Lear to Survive and START DRIVING of the Association of Driving Schools of the Czech Republic. They tried the practical part of the final exam and the unique Czech app for risk perception available at, for which the Czech Republic also received the award of the international organization CIECA

"These elements, which are part of the test leading to a driver's license, are not present in South Korea. Representatives of the local driving school therefore asked us to continue cooperation and share Czech know-how, so that they could successfully implement similar projects in South Korea," says Stanislav Dvořák, Director of the Driver Agenda Department.

International sharing of experience and information is essential for the further development of this area of the work of the Ministry of Transport. "We don't always go abroad for inspiration anymore but others come to us to gather knowledge because we have something to offer," Dvořák concludes. 
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