
Work started on more than 15 km of the D11 motorway between Hradec Králové and Smiřice
Work started on more than 15 km of the D11 motorway between Hradec Králové and Smiřice
The Ministry of Transport opens another call targeting the construction of recharging stations
The Ministry of Transport opens another call targeting the construction of recharging stations
The Czech Republic will host the PIARC World Road Congress after 52 years again
The Czech Republic will host the PIARC World Road Congress after 52 years again
Up to CZK 11.5 billion will be provided from the EIB loan for the modernisation of railway hubs
 Up to CZK 11.5 billion will be provided from the EIB loan for the modernisation of railway hubs
More and more drones flying over our heads
More and more drones flying over our heads
Ministers of transport agreed in Brussels on a mobility package compromise
Ministers of transport agreed in Brussels on a mobility package compromise
By the end of the year 204 km of roads will be under construction, in 2019 another 172 km.
By the end of the year 204 km of roads will be under construction, in 2019 another 172 km.
Four companies were short-listed for the competition dialogue for the operation of the D4 motorway
Four companies were short-listed for the competition dialogue for the operation of the D4 motorway
Work on the D35 extension started, another 27 motorway km will open simultaneously in four years
Work on the D35 extension started, another 27 motorway km will open simultaneously in four years
The Czech railway will be more competitive – the Ministry signed a memorandum with Shift2Rail
The Czech railway will be more competitive – the Ministry signed a memorandum with Shift2Rail

Documents count:567